Our CPUC Number is MTR099536 - Colonial Van & Storage

The California Public Utilities Commission regulates privately owned electric, natural gas, telecommunications, water, railroad, rail transit,
and passenger transportation companies. So, we are under their authority. That is why we display this number on both our website and our Facebook page.
As a Sacramento mover, we must abid by all the rules that other transportation companies do. We pride our selves on being the best in town and that means giving the customer everything they need to find the right moving service for their needs.
Check out this page from the CPUC on information for movers.
You can also find us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/colonialvan/
Moving Soon?
Call Us today to see what we can do
Call 888-581-6667
Best Moving Experience in 8 Moves!!
Colonial provided us with the most professional, positive, and supportive move in my 15 years/8 military moves. Thankful to Matt Lynn, Kevin, Angel, Errico, Lawrence, Vave, and Daawuld for the 5 star service!